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Animal Reiki Sessions

30-Minute Distance Sessions: $65
In-Home Sessions $85-$125



Give your animals the gift of a 30-minute Distant Reiki Session. Distance Sessions promote peace and relaxation, providing comfort and support during the healing process. During the 30-minute session, I will dedicate a meditation where Reiki Energy will be guided to the animal(s) in need. 


These sessions are wonderful for supporting the healing process before/after surgery, during an illness or injury, provide peace and comfort while family is away, help to reduce anxiety, lessen side effects of medications, as well as provide comfort and care in hospice and the dying process. 


It is optimal that during the scheduled time the animal(s) has quiet time to relax and rest. A photograph as well as brief description about your animal is also welcome but not required. Once the session is complete I will contact you via preferred method by phone or email to discuss the session as well as follow up with your animal's healing process and any healing shifts that occurred. 


To reserve a session please contact Kaitlin at: or by calling: 860-488-0254  


For on-location Reiki Animal Healing Sessions - Please feel free to be in touch for pricing. Sliding scale is available depending upon length of session and distance driven. 

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